Shameless — Disaster Profiteering Act
In light of all of the other questionable activities post-Katrina, this is absolutely reprehensible (emphasis below added):
Project on Government Oversight – Big federal contractors have scored a major victory with yesterday's news that House Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis (R-VA) and Representative Kenny Marchant (R-TX) introduced legislation that will waive meaningful taxpayer protections and competition in contracting whenever Congress or the President declares a national emergency or there is a disaster. It is rumored that the legislation will be included in a manager's amendment to the next Katrina relief bill. Project On Government Oversight (POGO) has donned the legislation (H.R. 3766) the “Disaster Profiteering Act.”
The Davis legislation would allow agency heads across the federal government to treat all purchases related to national emergencies as “commercial items,” meaning that contracts can be made under a no-bid process and that the government would not have the authority to audit purchases after they have been made. A second, unrelated provision deals with Katrina volunteers.
via Agonist
The only hope is that this 'proposed' legislation won't actually pass.