Creating a shopping list: Evernote vs Google Keep
1) create list in desktop app 2) attempt to share it with my wife; sorry, have to upgrade to paid version for this 3) finally share with wife, she attempts to edit shared list; sorry, she has to upgrade to paid version (screw that) 4) remember a few more items on the go, add to list via mobile app 5) attempt to sync from mobile; get loads of errors – sync fails 6) only way to fix sync error is to copy note contents, delete note an paste contents into a new note 7) repeat from step 2 or just give up
Google Keep experience: 1) create list on tablet using Keep app 2) share with wife; no problem – she has access to it within seconds 3) she needs to add items to the list – no problem; she adds them and they automatically sync with me 4) edit list on mobile – no problem; list automatically syncs 5) both of us run Keep app in grocery store, ticking off items from the list; no problem – list syncs automatically 6) marvel at the superior user experience from Google Keep 7) BONUS: I can set a reminder on the list that is a location; Google Now notifies me when I am near the store.
Evernote just keeps getting worse and worse. About the only thing that keeps me using it is the web clip functionality in the browser. Come on Keep, add that and I can leave Evernote behind.