
A new version of FlickrExport, a superb plugin for iPhoto that makes it incredibly easy to upload and tag photos on Flickr. Of all the Flickr upload tools out there, this is absolutely my favorite.

Oddly enough, this version was released as beta yesterday, but it's good to go today.

I did find one significant bug — if you don't have any photos selected and you click on File->Export, iPhoto will hang (apparently due to flickrExport hanging). If you let it sit for a minute or two it will select your entire photo library to export — probably not what you intended. I am confident that this will be quickly and proficiently fixed.  I stand corrected — this is a 'feature' of iPhoto: if you have no photos selected when you Export, it assumes that you want all of them exported.

technorati tags: flickrexport, flickr, iphoto, photography, tools