The Microsoft Fraud
Microsoft's Yellow Road To Cairo is a must read.
This is a topic that I have talked about for the last ten years, but no one seemed to want to hear it. Most would just breathlessly pant on about how MS was such a great marketing and technology innovator. Ha! What they did establish is a near licensing stranglehold via their bogus announcements meant to shunt the market. Announcements that they likely never intended to deliver on (and, in fact, never did).
Fraud as a Business Plan
The magic of the Internet is helping to point out the tragic fallacy of believing in Microsoft's promises. Microsoft assures us that it won't ever slip half a decade between operating systems again, but what about the fact that that's all it has ever done?
Looking back, while it appears Microsoft has shipped regular products, in reality what it has shipped in the last two decades of Windows has been a series of apologetic stopgaps without ever being ready and able to ship what it actually promised to deliver.
Those placeholder products were far inferior to what competitors were offering. They were actually far inferior in many cases to products that predated them by many years.
In addition, the futuristic Cairo plans Microsoft failed to ship were actually delivered years ahead of schedule by other vendors. Why does Microsoft keep getting airtime? The company is a huge fraud, and has been for decades.
technorati tags: microsoft, history, marketing, fraud, ideas