Are All Idiots Petrol Powered?
I had to laugh out loud at the sheer intellectual dis-ingenuousness of these write ups, featured most frequently and prominently in right wing leaning outlets.
Basically, the story is a Florida-guy buys a discontinued electric vehicle then looks into having the battery replaced only to find that it would cost more than the car. But wait, the battery is not available to purchase in the first place (then, how, you might ask, were they given a price for replacing it?) So the clear take away from that isn't 'know what you are buying' it is 'ALL Electric Cars Are Bad'. Morons
So by extension, I buy a used, discontinued iPhone for $50 and drop it. The shop says that it will cost me $250 to have the screen replaced. And I can't replace the battery, because, you know, that 'discontinued' part. Therefore, iPhones in particular and mobile phones in general are bad, evil and we should have never gotten rid of phone booths. Because some people have the logic and reasoning capabilities of dryer lint.