Worthy of Recognition and Praise – Jose Andres
Why is the media so focused on the most despicable, vile, self-serving garbage in society (rhymes with Melon Husk) when humble, dedicated people like Jose Andres actually works to help people in need?
Before chef José Andrés became famous for World Central Kitchen, he had already scaled the heights of his profession. His new cookbook celebrates the group's humanitarian impact.
“I remember this Spanish guy screaming,” said chef-volunteer Karla Hoyos, describing the first time she met chef José Andrés. “He had just come from a meeting with FEMA [the US emergency management agency], and he was furious. And I thought, 'Oh, no, no, nooo…'.” She shakes her head emphatically. “I am not going to deal with this person. I don't care who he is.”
It was September 2017, shortly after Hoyos had arrived in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria, the deadly storm that devastated the island, killing nearly 3,000 people, making most roads impassable and knocking out 80% of the power grid. Several days earlier, Andrés had touched down with a team from his non-profit, World Central Kitchen (WCK), which he founded in 2010 after returning from Haiti where he fed survivors of a catastrophic earthquake. The organisation originally emphasised longer-term programmes – such as supporting nutritional training for young mothers – but after Maria, its efforts now focus on deploying an army of culinary first responders to feed people during and after the world's worst disasters, natural or otherwise.