Corporatization of the Consumer Space
Much has been written in the last decade about the 'Consumerization of Corporate' IT with the primary example being corporate users wanting to use their smartphones and tablets from home in a corporate ecosystem.
I would argue that the inverse of that trend has started in the last few years. That is concerns that were once firmly in the corporate space are starting to bleed into the consumer space. These include:
a focus on security for personal devices with more emphasis on firewalls, encryption, SSL, password strength and even two-factor authentication.
a growing interest and need for analytic and visualization tools for the growing amount of data from wearables and other in-home devices. Currently this is served by one off tools from each vendor with more platforms emerging that are corporate-style integration platforms that take in data from disparate systems and provide a more unified 'dashboard' view to consumers.
additional emphasis on in-home automation and monitoring control systems for everything from thermostats, lighting, locks, motion sensors, flow sensors. Previously, this was the realm of building security groups and manufacturing plants. Automation and monitoring is also driving the previously mention areas of security and analysis.