Creating a Document: Google Docs vs Microsoft Office for Mac
Google Docs:
- Type into browser
- Select template (optional)
- Start creating doc
Elapsed time: 5 seconds to productivity
Microsoft office for Mac
- Click on Word app icon
- Watch icon bounce in doc for 60-90 seconds (4core system with 16GB of RAM)
- Click to allow access to Microsoft Identity on keychain (x8)
- Wait for Auto Update to run
- Install 2MB update
- Wait for Auto Update to re-run
- Office now wants to download 2.6 GB of updates before continuing.
- Wait for downloads and updates to finish
- Open Google Docs and start typing so you are productive for the next 30 minutes
- Wait for downloads to finally finish
- Grant Admin access so install can continue
- Wait for install(s) to complete
- Close Word so install can complete
- Wait for Auto Update to re-run
- Dismiss Auto Update
- Click on Word App icon
- Watch icon bounce in the doc for 90-120 seconds
- repeat step #3
- repeat step #4
- Create new doc
- Paste info from Google Docs into Word
- Continue editing document created in Google Docs
Elapsed time: 35 minutes to productivity
Tell me again why/how using MS Office docs are so much more productive (or even preferable)...