New Google Phone Name Has Blade Runner Tie?
This kind of attitude from the estate of Phillip K. Dick is a bit theatrical and somewhat stupid.
As many bloggers have noted, the name Nexus One seems to be a reference to the cyborgs in the dystopian movie “Blade Runner,” which in turn was based on the novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” by the late Philip K. Dick. Both the film and the book feature a bounty hunter tracking down several rogue Nexus-6 cyborgs, the sixth generation in the line of Nexus robots.
This sort of reminds me of Carl Sagan finding out that the code name for what became the Apple Power Mac 7100 was 'Sagan' and threaten legal action even though Apple wasn't publicly using that name. When contacted about the legal threat, Apple made a somewhat public announcement that they were in fact using the code name 'butt-head astronomer' for the product.
Post created at 32,000 feet in route to LAX using in-flight wifi free trial.