\“Software is eating the world\” – and as a result consumers are getting crapped on

BMW recently made the misguided decision to charge a subscription for heated seats in some markets. Aside from the fact that the average BMW is a maintenance disaster and is nearly undriveable by its 3rd year, what is the point of charging a subscription for a fairly standard car feature? Simple greed.

Consider also that every one of those vehicles has the added expense of being fitted with the heating elements and controls that may not be enabled. That seems like wasted money unless the consumer is actually paying for the feature twice: once when it is priced into the cost of manufacturing the car and *again* when the consumer actually tries to use it.

The other problem with these feature flags hidden in your car is that not only BMW can have access to them. It is not a great leap to imagine a new form of ransomware where you have to pay BMW and then some hacker to re-re-re-enable a feature on your vehicle.