Town Bans Santa
This story sounds like something out of the Onion – the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania is banning Santa on the basis that he is an illegal worker:
The people of Hazleton, PA are proud to announce a citizen-organized public awareness campaign called “No Santa for Hazleton.” The campaign will use Santa Claus' status as America's most-loved illegal worker to demonstrate Hazleton's new “zero tolerance” policy toward illegal aliens.
Hazleton has been at the forefront of the War on Immigration since this past summer, when, in response to a surge in illegal immigration, the city passed its “Illegal Immigrant Relief Act.” The public response was immediate and overwhelmingly positive. Mayor Lou Barletta's heroics gained the town national attention, including appearances on 60 Minutes and CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight. Following Hazleton's example, over 30 other towns across America have passed or are considering similar laws to drive out illegal immigration and labor.
This might be funny if it wasn't so ignorant. And let's not forget the Easter Bunny, as well. Lest we forget that laws have their maximum effect when focused on made up characters.